Faith came rolling in in her chair after having had make-up done, hair doo-ed, and dressed to the nines. Perhaps a gazillion pair of eyes turned to her attention was a little bit more than she cared to bear? Yet, she was kind. She tolerated it. She handled it well.
We sang Jingle Bells, Dashing through the Snow, Joy to the World... and Santa Claus "Ho! Ho! Ho!"ed. We ate. We laughed. We jollied. And inside the place where we were, it seemed a normal Christmas, indeed.
It wasn't.
It wasn't normal. It wasn't time. We shouldn't have been having it. But, as you already know, we did.
We went back to Faith's house after the party. Where all the presents were opened and oohed and ahhed over. Then, Sarah and Jeff took Prissy and Sabrina and I to eat at Chipotle's. Mmmm... that was a first for us, and every bite was delicious! Sarah shared so much of what has been happening in their world since Faith was diagnosed with brain cancer. The stories that she has to tell has God written all over it. He has shown them great favor and magnified His wonders to others through her. It's amazing how He works and how He brings healing of so much through great sickness and hurt. What the enemy means for evil, God intends for good. There is evidence already all around them of the magnificense of Him.
I don't know what God plans to do. But I do know that He has the multitudes praying for Faith. Asking for a healing. Pleading for a miracle. And all the while, there are miracles all around. Even in the heart of my own daughter, Faith has touched her deeply. Changed her thinking. Refixed her focus. Made her rethink her priorities and what's most important. I know Faith's illness has done a whole lot of that. It's been used to mend families back together again. It's helped many to gain new perspectives. Helped so many to realize what's important... and what's not. It's rallied the help of people all around... all wanting to do something special to bring joy to the heart of a little girl and her family in the midst of their turmoil. Faith has a wish list posted that people are reading in hopes that they might can offer something in hopes to bring a smile and mark something off. How sweet is that? What a great light that is in their greatest dark!
Please pray for Faith, asking God to do something so huge that no man can take credit for or explain. The doctor's have done all that they can do, now we wait alone for the Lord! I know that nothing is impossible with Him. May He chose to blow our minds with the wonder of Him by doing a thing that only He alone is able to do. Not only for Faith or for the sake of her parents. But for His Glory. For His name's sake. So others can see the wow-ness of our God. So others can see the mighty of the All Mighty God that we serve!
Click here to find Faith's caringbridge site: Faith
And here to see a glimpse of her story on the news: Faith on the News
Faith... and her sweet family of eight!
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