Westy. He's my twin sister's son. Sixteen. Super cute. Charmingly sweet. Funny. He'll do almost anything for a laugh. It took him eight months after his sixteenth birthday to finally get a vehicle. You read the description of it above. It's far from the best-looking truck. But you wouldn't know that from his look. One reason, I'm sure, is because you appreciate things more once you have to wait for them, or work hard to get it. Things that you long for and is not easily purchased or paid for seem to mean the most. By that time often, the broken and beat up sometime appears more appealing, perfect, just right, more exciting, very loved. They hold more value. And you're apt to take more pains in order to take care of it. It's yours! It means a lot!
What would look like junk to most people, appears as beautiful to Westy.
I think it's the same with God. It can be said of some of us: We're old. Beat up a bit. Been used! Broken in places!... physically, spiritually, sexually, mentally, emotionally. We've all had previous owners. We were sold to things like adultery, prostitution, pornography, idolatry, alcohol, drugs, gossip, anger, rage, hatred, bitterness. Some have been pierced, tracked, tattooed, cut. Some sick, handicapped, crippled, blind, deaf, diseased. But Jesus bought us anyway. It cost Him everything. He deemed us worth the cost. And He's into fixing, mending, repairing, healing, restoring us. He sees our vehicles (when washed in the blood) as beautiful! Of great worth. Tremendous value. He takes great pains in order to take care of it. And He's not ashamed, He loves riding in His newly purchased vehicles! He's proud to. What looks like junk to most people, appears as beautiful to God! He's got places to go... and often uses us as the vehicle in which to take Him there.
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