Friday, January 1, 2010

Thrilled beyond measure!!!

I love Genesis!

I mean, I LOVE Genesis!

For some reason, which I have yet to fathom why, over the years God keeps strategically bringing me back to this book and causing me more awe and wonder with each new visit! I've fallen in love with Abraham and his son and his sons' sons. I love to read of their women. I marvel at how much they are like us. I'm amazed at how much I relate. I'm blown away at the similarities.

I had begun a new study on something completely different. And without my knowing that God would take me there, it's as if He has grabbed my hand and invited me back to this land without my knowing that He was even planning it. A surprise trip, if you will! A detour Divinely driven. And I am so excited I can hardly stand it! My, my, my, at the pure richness of the soil and the treasures that are begging to be found in that land on those pages!

My eyes have poured as I've read. I can't even begin to put into words where all the spirit has carried me in the thoughts that He's so graciously blessed me with in these past hours. How can I thank my Savior? What can I say to my Teacher (Rabonni) that He would teach me like He does? How can I worship and praise my God enough for the awe in the Father I have?

What is it with me and Genesis, I wonder? What's my attraction? What does it have that draws me so? Why does God keep bringing me back here? I didn't know I was coming. I didn't know He'd invite and have me here today. I didn't know. But I'm ecstatic with where He's taken me. I hardly can contain myself! Or maybe, it's HIM inside me that is too awesome for me to be able to keep silent! "His word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in"!!!!!! I feel I must share it! Or, at least, I feel I must boast in my Savior! Boast in His wonders! Praise Him for ever!


I'm thrilled with the journey! So excited about the adventure. So intoxicated with all the teaching that He's hidden in these verses.... just waiting to be taught to a willing soul that bothers to look for them.

Can I just say how much I love my God today!!!!!

God's Word is my Life! It's like Moses said in Deut 32:47, These "are not idle words for you - they are your life." Indeed, yes they are! I say to God all the time what the Psalmist said in 119:92, "If Your word had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction!"

"Taste and see that the LORD is good..."  Or, as Ps 81:10 says,"I am the LORD your God, Who brought you out of Egypt. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it."  See my mouth open, Lord! I long to hear You!"How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"

Shall I continue? Or shall I sum it up to say, I LOVE the manna of His Word that He fills us with!

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