Sunday, July 11, 2010

My backdoor is locked... I miss my son!

Awww... I always leave the backdoor unlocked, for its the door of choice that my son choses to strut himself in through. He's a 17 year old heart-throb! A sweet heart! Dashing! And charming! A Mr Flattery King (he has me wrapped around his finger!)! Beautiful from the inside out! He left for California today for camp for two weeks along with his sweet baby sister, Sabrina. She's excited. Ecstatic! Besides herself. She's been on a countdown for weeks! He's less so. Unsure. Not necessarily unhappy, but not superbly super thrilled. As we left he told me, "I'm already missing my truck!" I knew he would be! He loves it!

We left home at 3 o'clock this morning to drive them two hours away to the airport. We didn't go to bed at all last night. It's 9:19 p.m. here right now... and bless their hearts, my babes are still traveling! I just texted them, they haven't gotten there yet. Two planes ride later and a car trip once landing on ground... makes for two very tired children.

I went to let the dogs out a few minutes ago. I came in... locking the door behind me... the door I don't usually lock until he walks in behind it! I couldn't help but think of him when I did. Like I said, I miss my son! And I'm already, too, missing girl! Who will both be fine and having fun without me. Thank You, Lord, for all of those blessings of mine!

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