Saturday, November 7, 2009

Will you go ask Him for me?

She asked me if we could pray together after? After the Ladies Retreat this afternoon that is; and of course, my answer was yes. The question she asked prompted the thought and put this picture into my thinking. I love the visual God gave me of it.

I saw two little girls. The younger one concerned with great need. A feeling of desperation. Heart hurting. Heavy with burden. Earlier she had told the older one a little about it. And today, the younger one basically said to the older, "You go ask Him for me!"

So. As soon as time allowed it, both little girls grabbed hands and headed straight to their Father.

And not just any 'ole father at that. This one's the Lord of all lords, the King of ALL kings, the ALMIGHTY God, the Creator of everything. And here's where the story gets even better.

This one you'll have to visualize yourself, I couldn't find a picture for it.

The youngest girl wasn't asking for something for herself. She'd been praying for her baby. She'd been praying for her child. She'd been praying for her son. She'd been talking to her Daddy about him. But she couldn't rest at asking Him alone. She wanted someone else to take him to her Father and ask, so grabbed another sister so that they both could carry the child to Him together. Just as the four friends carried the paralytic to Jesus; these two sisters carried a little boy they thought in need of Him.

Dear God,

Tonight, Lord, Elijah is probably okay. But his mom is really scared. And right now, could I be so bold as to ask if You would take care of them both! You know their need.... and You also know exactly what You're doing! Do what You will and make them Gibbor Chayils (mighty warriors) for Your kingdom! Mold them and make them, yield them and shape them, and create them to be Glorious Displays of Your Splendor!

Help my, sweet sister, Lord. She's trusting (and so asking for) You to help her! In Jesus's name, Amen.


  1. you are so sweet. I am just so grateful God led you in a seemingly random way to find this "little girl" in need of help. thank you. Oh, and I better check your blog often, I had some catching up to do!

  2. Ah, you've been a rare find in my world! Not only such a delight, but such genuiness! I'm sure you're not perfect, but the word that comes to my mind when I think of you is purity. You have such a precious heart! And if Elijah's heart is anything at all like yours, it is to be treasured far above mere focus on book-work. He sounds priceless. And that I wouldn't want to trade for anything!

    Oh my, surely you didn't read all of these?
