Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not WHAT???

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not WHAT???

"The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want."

Hmmm? Well, does that mean always?

I went shopping the other day with my youngest daughter. We were only there for a couple of items, but it had been so long since I've shopping... I mean like really shopping... that all of the sudden I 'want'-ed everything in the store! I had GREAT want! I wanted things that I didn't even need. I wanted things that I normally didn't even like. I wanted things I don't want. I just wanted. I wanted a lot. I wanted it all!

I told Sabrina as I put my hands as blinders up to my face to shield my eyes, I said, "Sabrina, you need to get me out of here fast, because I am one HUGE WANT right now! I have great need to won't my want, but my won't isn't won't-ing! My won't is getting weak and if we don't do something quickly it's about to fail me!"

We laughed and basically ran to the checkout counter before I couldn't won't my wants anymore.

I've thought a lot about that since then. Thinking that sometimes that's exactly what we need. Sometimes we have great need to won't our wants. But often it's the latter want that proves greater and our won't-er loses in the end.

At this moment as I type, it's not shopping I want. I want food! Lots of it! Rich foods! Fattening foods! Greasy food! GOOD food! Heavy food! But I'm trying to won't my food instead, because I don't need it. Like I said earlier and as I am reminded of daily, it's not always easy to won't your wants, but I am desperately trying to won't mine. I keep trying to visualize the spelling in my head. Instead, of seeing it spelled as, "I want food!" I keep trying to visualize this spelling instead, "I won't food." And I'll won't it all night long until bed! I'm not sure how well it'll all work out. But I'm doing everything I can to take my mind off of it and avoid the kitchen. I'll let you know how it went in the morning. And if I wanted more than I won't-ed.... or if my won't-er, this time, totally let me down and my want-er won and had victory instead.

Okay, you're turn. Now, let me ask you. What's your want?

No. Let's change that. What's your won't?

Tonight might you be won't-ing a drink for the sake of your Savior? Or, are you won't-ing a drug because you know it's harmful to you? Are you won't-ing an addiction because you're tired of it's prison? Or you won't-ing a guy or a girl that you've been falling for that you know that you shouldn't? Or you won't-ing something delicious that's astronomically filled with calories? Are you won't-ing a dress that you can't afford buying? Or is it a cigarette that you're won't-ing and that sounds so awfully tempting? Are you won't-ing to watch something online or on television that you know is forbidden? Are you won't-ing sex with a person that you've have no right to because you're not married to them?

What it is that you're won't-ing simply because your Lord told you not to because He has your best 'want' at heart?

"The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want".... because He alone is our Provider and can satiate all of our wants... all of our needs. He alone can satisfy! He alone can fill! In all reality when you really think about it, all of our want is Him!

Yes, the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want!

And maybe on some days it can be said, the Lord is my Shepherd I shall not won't. Meaning, that I shall not 'won't' what He's said. I shall not won't His commands. I shall not won't what He wants... nor won't where He leads... nor won't where He sends.

Or maybe it's because the Lord is my Shepherd I shall won't all other wants that tempt me to bow and submit to it instead of bowing and submitting to Him.

We're all want-ers at heart. But when Jesus is our Lord, then He is our Shepherd, and then all of our wants are tied up in Him.

"The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want."

And because The Lord is my Shepherd I dare not won't Him!

Maybe after reading my crazy way of thinking next time you want something, you'll rethink it and simply just won't it instead. :)

Been wanting or won'ting anything in your world lately? How are you doing with your won'ts / wants?

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